Sunday 26 May 2013

18 - A Mission

Just a quick note, I don't normally write anything like this. EVER. However a friend of mine (who shall remain unnamed... he knows who he is) challenged me to write an erotica with specific parameters. The gauntlet was thrown, challenge was accepted. This is the result. It's my first erotica, ironically a gay one, and it will probably be my last. Since it is a rarety I suppose it must be shared. Enjoy and don't be too harsh. 

Emford was a good Mormon boy. He’d observed all the laws and followed every instruction. He had fought to keep sin out of his life and had channeled all his energy to doing his Mormon duty. So it was with no trepidation that he set out to fulfill his duty by going on a mission. In fact he was excited, terribly excited when he heard that he was to go to the far flung and clearly uncivilized land of Hong Kong.
Oh how uncivilized it was. It might have been a shining beacon from the sky, but nobody it seemed wanted to be saved. People ignored him with a firm finality that convinced him that he was invisible and door after door was sternly slammed into his face. When a word was spoken, it was harsh and often unintelligible.
Still, Emford persisted. He persisted even when the brother that had been assigned to him gave up, pleading headaches and nausea. He persisted alone.
It was alone that he knocked on one final door. It was getting late, far later then he was supposed to be out, but Emford felt deep inside him that this was the day that he would finally show someone the wonders of Jesus. He plastered on his most eager smile and knocked stoutly three times.
The door opened to reveal… an angel. At least that’s what Emford thought at the first sight of the man behind the door. He was shorter then Emford by several inches but with a firm lithe body. The face looked earnest and entirely innocent, with wide dark eyes, and straight mouth that stared up at him like a schoolboy awaiting instruction. He clearly was a man but there was a youthful sweetness about his face that confused Emford.
“Yes?” said the man. Emford found that his mouth was dry. He forgot what he was here to say. Then he remembered and began his speech.
“Have you found Jesus in your life?”
“I didn’t realize I’d lost him,” said the man with a sweet grin. “Come in and help me find him.”
Despite the insult of blasphemy, Emford was so delighted to have finally found a way in, he followed eagerly into the small apartment, taking a seat on the couch when it was offered and pulling out his bible. He was about to start with his next speech when his host turned around and he realized that the man was wearing a furry tail.
Odd, but this was a foreign country after all. He kept his eye on his book no matter how much he wanted to follow the tail and instead started to talk about the angel Moroni. It was only halfway through the speech he realized that he didn’t know his host’s name. He asked bashfully, hoping that his rudeness would not reflect badly.
“Antonio,” replied the smooth faced man in front of him. “Here have a drink.” He handed Emford a glass with something.
Emford took a sip and coughed in surprise, feeling his throat warm as the liquid dropped. He had never consumed alcohol in his life and he knew it was a sin. “Is this alcohol?” he asked.
Antonio waved his question away. “Tell me more about Jesus,” he said instead.
Emford felt suspicious but he couldn’t ignore the invitation so he did, he explained all about the blessed union and the messages brought by the lord savior. He talked so much he had to sip from the glass and the more sipped the more he felt his head swim until his words trailed away into nothing.
At this point, Antonio began to rub his thigh and Emford distantly thought that this was probably not right. Closer to the surface however, he marveled that the sensation was quite nice.
He was still staring at the artistic fingers that were gently roving over his leg when suddenly he felt something hot, wet and insistent against his lips. The fist gasp surprise drew him back and he stared into the dark eyes that simply watched him, giving away no secrets of their own.
“What… what are you doing?” he stuttered.
“Helping you find Jesus,” came the hushed reply which was then followed by another clasping of lips against lips. Emford didn’t fight it this time, he’d always wondered what a kiss felt like and he relaxed, tensing only when the mouth against his opened. He paused then opened his mouth, unsure of what it meant but tense when he felt what was obviously a playful tongue.
He would have complained, he told himself he should, but the tingles started at his mouth and burned down his body to further places that twitched and suddenly woke up. His body ached and burned for things he didn’t know of. He actually felt disappointed when the lips pulled away and he opened his eyes to stare at Antonio watching him with a mischievous grin.
The impish expression was gone the instant he saw it leaving Emford to wonder if he imagined it. He had no time to wonder on it as Antonio filled his glass and began to talk of people he knew.
“I’m having a party tonight, I’d like you to stay for it,” he said. And Emford nodded sleepily. A party sounded nice. He loved playing card games.
“My friends are all bringing someone religious and really I was stuck, so it’s a miracle that you are here.”
Emford again nodded. He was a miracle. He liked being described as a miracle. It was only a moment later that he wondered what Antonio meant by religious people. Still Emford found that he just liked to listen to the voice that washed over him though he had stopped registering the words and he liked sipping from the glass.
Emford wasn’t sure when he dozed off; apparently he was tired, only realizing when he was woken by a loud moan. It was harmonised by other softer moans, hushed gasping breath and odd dull smacking sounds.
Emford rubbed his eyes until they focused on what was clearly two bodies writhing together. Naked. Sweaty. Emford instantly turned his gaze but found himself looking directly at a man with his tongue deep inside another man’s. Another turn of his head and he was watching someone being whipped lightly.
Emford sat up straight, his heart beating, his conscience trying very hard to scream at him to leave. Then he saw it. Antonio standing in the doorway to his kitchen, a catholic priest leering down at him, with hands fiddling with the tail. As he watched, the older priest, put his hands on Antonio’s head, as if to bless him, then firmly start to push downwards… towards what was obviously the open fly of his pants.
For the first time in his life, Emford felt the hot urgent flare of jealousy. It hadn’t been that long ago that Antonio had been staring down and fondling him! Now he was with the priest?! Emford had a mind to leave, but his jealousy aroused more than anger, he had a stronger urge to save Antonio.
The apartment was ridiculously small. It only took him three strides, well four counting the large one he took stepping over the writhing figures of what looked like two people to reach Antonio and the leering priest.
Emford felt aggression rise as he shoved the priest away into the kitchen where in the back of his mind, he realized three figures were each trying to take up one space on the counter one of which a Middle Eastern man was in the middle. The priest looked as if he was going to object but Emford didn’t want to fight. Wouldn’t have known how, so instead he locked his lips on Antonio’s instead, showing the priest that this choir boy was his.
Hours could have passed, perhaps eternity though it was not long enough before Antonio pulled away, the impish glint in his eyes stronger. “Come on, lover boy,” he drawled, taking Emford’s hand and leading him to a closed door.
Emford was very aware that the priest was staring at them both looking angry and yet also as if he wanted to follow. Emford was worried that he might try to come after them, but instead, he saw the hand slip rather subtly into his own fly.
Emford had felt like preening himself as he followed Antonio but he deflated quickly when he realized that he was entering the bedroom. There lay the bed, taking up most of the room. The bed itself was so inviting, the colours warm, and the pillows lush. But still! “Wait,” said Emford, his voice betraying his nervousness.
“For what? You want to find God don’t you?” asked Antonio gently. He pushed Emford on the bed and silenced him with a kiss.
“I saved you,” he muttered against the hot urgent lips that were so insistent on staying against his.
“I know, saved me from the filthy debauched catholic priest! Excellent! I hope you have much worse planned for me,” drawled Antonio. Emford opened his mouth to say something towards the negative but he was silenced with another kiss.
His head was swimming so much; he didn’t realize when he’d lain back down with his arms above his head until he found he couldn’t pull them down! Panicking slightly he struggled until Antonio shushed him. “It’s alright, been waiting all night, you can show me Jesus, and I’ll show you God.”
“Why not have the catholic priest show you?” asked Emford after a stray thought.
“That stodgy priest? Nah, I’ve already played choir boy plenty of times, now I’m up for a different role,” he whispered.
Suddenly, Emford heard a muffled cry from the closet. It sounded like a person who was trapped. “What is that?”
“Oh that, just my gimp.”
“What?!” Emford didn’t understand.
“He’s my Westboro Baptist Church gimp. He’s just in training,” Antonio shrugged.
Emford wanted to believe him, to sink into the warm embrace of those hot hands that tickled and teased but he couldn’t let it go and he said so. Antonio sighed and got up, walking to the closet and opening it, revealing a blond man with frantic eyes inside a cage. He had a red ball in his mouth, secured with leather and he was wearing a rather fetching leather suit.
Emford was shocked and he cried, “you kidnapped him too?!”
“Kidnap? Hell no, he loves it. Don’t you my widdle fuzzy poo,” Antonio continued to make sickening little cooing noises at the man who looked up at him, eyes burning. As if Antonio knew that Emford would not be convinced, he slipped the gag off and instantly the man began frothing.
“Oh please master, take me next. Me I want to be next. Not him!” Antonio let him ramble for a while, smiling at Antonio as if to say ‘I told you so’ then slipped the ball gag back on.
“Not yet…” he mumbled as he closed the closet door and went back to Emford.
“I don’t understand, he yearns for you.” Emford found it difficult to keep his eyes away from the closet door.
“I know but he’s terrible in bed. No stamina. Tiny dick. You are way hotter.” Emford burned with the compliment and he couldn’t help smiling.
Then suddenly he jumped up and started to undress, revealing for the first time the smooth chest and then the strong legs. The tail, it became obvious, was not attached to his trousers because it swung playfully even when Antonio was almost naked.
Seeing that tail swing did funny things to Emford’s head and also sent disturbing feelings to his more private regions. All of it was so unfamiliar but Emford was beginning to guess that what he had assiduously avoided all his life was now happening. Emford felt conflicted. He wanted to leave, he had to protect his soul but he also wanted to stay, to feel Antonio’s lips on his again. His brain won and Emford sat up to leave when Antonio pounced on him and subdued him with a kiss.
With a groan, Emford relaxed and let Antonio take over. Only when he pulled away did he remember to say, “No, this is a sin, we will burn in hell!”
“We’ll burn in this bed is more like it. Don’t worry Emford even if we burn in hell, it’ll be worth it,” drawled Antonio. “Now, I’m almost naked but you are far too dressed for the occasion.” Antonio began to unbutton his shirt and Emford found that he wanted to be revealed.
“So you Mormons do wear magic underwear!” he cried with a laugh and Emford found himself wishing that the earth might swallow him up. Yes he wore the sacred clothes that would have protected him but even he had thought that terribly unflattering. When Antonio asked if he could take them off, Emford paused then said, “rip them off,” then hid his face praying silently to God that he be forgiven.
Antonio wasted no time to rip the thin cotton, then “Wow!” Said Antonio with wide eyes. “Who’d have thought Mormon boys were so well endowed?” Emford had his eyes firmly shut at that point. No one had ever seen him naked and he prayed under his breath. He felt Antonio lay beside him, fingers playing lightly on his nipples. The rush in his head grew stronger, his breath catching. It built and built as those hands dipped lower until…
His entire body tensed and writhed and he let out a groan he couldn’t stifle. An explosive release, which passed to reveal Emford’s utter shame. It lay in a congealed mess right there on his belly. Antonio laughed, “So you were a virgin I take it! That was hot. Let’s try again shall we?”
“Wait,” Emford breathed. “This is wrong. Sinful. We will go to hell!”
“Oh, honey you called out to God just a moment ago, don’t tell me you don’t remember. Perhaps I’ll help you remember,” Antonio rose up on his elbow and pushed himself down.
Emford was trying to remember when he might have called out to god when he felt a hot, wet … something enclose over the most private part of him. “Oh GOD!” he breathed and looked down. Antonio was devouring him, his lips encased around the tip of his… he fought with himself to even think it… penis.
He watched the spent bit of flesh start to grow again, Emford had never seen that part of his own self look quite so eager. And to see those soft warm lips tease and caress was almost too much. The sight was excruciating but the feeling, Emford groaned, loudly then felt his face grow hotter with shame. Then the shame was forgotten in how Antonio was making him feel. Emford struggled against his bonds but felt all the more better for it. He heard himself now, chanting “oh God, oh God.”
Oh how was he to know that his cock had a direct line to every nerve ending in his body. One flick of Antonio’s tongue had him reeling in ecstasy. This must have been what heaven felt like. Nothing could be better. Not even if God himself appeared.
This time when his head exploded, he was aware that his cock throbbed in time. The waves went on longer this time and when it ended, Antonio’s face was above his. “Find God again?” Emford he nodded dumbly. “Well, I think it’s my turn,” whispered Antonio.
Emford wriggled then said hoarsely, “release me.”
Antonio shook his head, “no dice. Pulling a Joyce Mckinney is really hot.”
Emford didn’t understand at first but then he remembered the story, whispered among the other brothers. A tale of kidnap and debauchery. A woman who taken a Mormon and did unspeakable things to him. Was this what happened to the Mormon brother who had been kidnapped by Joyce Mckinney? If so, her victim had complained far too much.
“Let my hands go,” Emford said more earnestly, looking at Antonio’s underwear. Antonio paused until he added, “I’ll show you God.”
A quick pull at a line and Emford felt his arms free. Instantly he sprang up and pushed Antonio down on the bed and began to pull his underwear down. (disclaimer, if you don’t want to read about my fanciful descriptions of cocks, block ears or stop reading aloud the next paragraph)
Emford stilled. He had never seen another cock besides his own and he had worked very hard for years to not look at his own either. Now he had another in front of him, he stared opened mouth at the smooth long organ that throbbed just below his lay slightly throbbing on Antonio’s flat stomach, darker skinned and lightly adorned with curling twisting veins. Emford glanced down at his and couldn’t help comparing them. Similar sized but he realised that he had a slight bend while Antonio’s was just rigidly straight. His was also surrounded by slightly unruly, crisply curling blond hair. He looked down and noted that no hair hid the wonders of the organ that throbbed achingly just below him.
“Just try it,” whispered Antonio, his innocent eyes briefly revealing that naughty side he knew lay just underneath. Emford complied and was rewarded with the most delicious sound of a very satisfied sigh.
It was a strange feeling, the skin so smooth on his tongue, yet the entire thing so hot and hard. It tasted strange as well, the skin sweet but the tip dropping little hints of saltiness. However once he got over that, it was like playing an instrument. He followed the gasps, moans and little hiccups of delights from above, taking confidence from them and finding that he loved the feel of cock in his mouth.
He was wondering how much more to go when he was rewarded with a terse “oh JESUS!” because Antonio exploded in his mouth. The unfamiliar warm and salty goo made him uncomfortable. But he couldn’t complain about the taste so he swallowed it.
There was a low aching groan at the door; Emford turned his head to see the priest with a pained expression, staring at Emford while simultaneously holding his cock, manhandling it roughly.
The priest stormed in and stuck his crotch into Antonio’s face, as if he couldn’t wait and had gone mad with longing. Emford was not happy and he pulled at the priest’s shoulders aggressively.
“Boys, boys, plenty of me to go around,” drawled Antonio sitting up. He stared at Emford and pushed him back until Emford was sitting at the edge of the bed. Then Antonio leaned down, taking his cock again in his hands. Emford looked down, feeling his own flesh quicken and harden again and watched with wide eyes at what Antonio was doing with his wicked tongue.
Emford leaned his head back and revelled in the ecstasy when he felt something far better. Antonio had groaned, the vibrations at the back of his throat sending shivers through the rest of his body. Emford groaned in delight as well and opened his eyes to look… at the priest kneeling behind Antonio lifting tail and sliding himself in.
Emford didn’t know what to think. He did not like the priest all that much, but he did like that Antonio was enjoying whatever was being done to him. Another low moan in the back of Antonio’s throat and he stopped caring.
The room swam and was filled with the cacophony of moans from all three of them. The tension built, the voices rose until the crescendo broke, first with the priest, who obviously lacked real stamina, then Emford. When his head cleared and he was able to sit up, Antonio was not in the room.
Emford left the priest still gasping on the bed and walked out to find Antonio in the kitchen. The three writhing figures were gone, though a glance outside at the frame showed the a dark skinned man tied up this time with a blond slightly built man with glasses expertly torturing him.
The air in the bedroom and living room was hot and thick, but it was cooler in the kitchen. Antonio was drinking a large glass of something when he pulled Emford around and kissed him.
This time the kiss was cold. Antonio had taken an ice cube in his mouth. The cold made the rest of his body burn. Antonio pulled away and carefully pushed Emford to the kitchen counter. “I haven’t christened the counter, how about we do that now?”
“Christen?” he whispered with just a hint of nervousness. “How?”
In answer, Antonio reached behind him and pulled a bottle and shook in front of Emford with that same impish look. Emford was confused and his face must have shown it but Antonio gave no explanation, just opened the cap and poured the contents all over Emford’s bare chest.
The subtle scent of olive oil rose up to Emford’s face, but before he could react, Antonio began sliding his hands all over his body, rubbing the slick oil over his skin. The slippery smooth sensation was too much as the heat of his skin warmed the oil and when his hand dipped down to the most eager part of him, Emford couldn’t hold back a loud groan.
The sound seemed to attract attention from outside the kitchen. Emford opened his eyes to see two naked figures standing at the doorway.
The slightly taller brown haired man came in first and immediately slicked his hands on Emford’s chest to slick up some oil then pulled Emford away from the counter to slick his hands down his back. Antonio’s hands did not pause for an instant and sandwiched between them Emford found his knees growing weak. He had to hold the counter with one hand; the other clenched and unclenched with the need to grab something.
Antonio started in front but after a few moments he moved to behind Emford and firmly pushed him down on to his knees. The protestant moved back and then around and stood apparently waiting as Antonio reached around with one oily hand to push Emford’s head around.
Antonio kissed him urgently at first then pulled away to whisper in his ear, “time to christen the kitchen, just like we christened the bedroom, you me and the priest.”
Emford blushed as he remembered what had happened then tensed, “wait, what do you mean? Are you playing the role of the priest?!”
Antonio answered only with the most innocent expression Emford had seen yet. He was not fooled for a second but he didn’t resist when Antonio pushed him down to his hands and knees. He didn’t resist when he felt something tease and poke behind him but he did tense when it felt it push.
“No this is wrong,” he cried.
“I know but doesn’t that make it more fun?” said the man in front of him.
“Who are you?” cried Emford confused.
“I’m Aaron, I’m Protestant,” replied the man with a grin.
It was wrong, so terribly wrong but he didn’t resist even though he felt something push firmly against him. The flare of burning pain mingled with a more pleasurable sensation. This was a sin, a terrible sin. What would his brothers in the church say? What would the elders say?! Emford tried to lean back, to get up and stop Antonio but then he felt Antonio’s long hard length slide in, slick with oil, and all he could do was moan in surrender. For a few seconds, Antonio stayed still and Emford was rewarded with the delicious sensation of pressure in places he didn’t realise he had. Then there was movement.
Emford was happy enough the way he was but apparently the protestant wasn’t. He stepped forward then and got on his knees, presenting his own cock in Emford’s face.
For a second Emford felt a mild disappointment that the one he had in front of him was nowhere near as impressive as Antonio’s but he chided himself. It shouldn’t have mattered. Feeling a measure of guilt, he took it deep in his mouth.
The movements from behind started slow but began to speed up and the man in front began to follow suit. Emford couldn’t complain as wave after wave of pure gratification washed over him. He didn’t even complain when he heard a slap above him as Antonio murmured, “Eiffel tower!” Emford didn’t know what it meant though at that moment, he disengaged himself from the man in front, keeping the engorged organ in his hand and turned his head to look behind him.
Antonio had a look of concentration, sweat sliding down his face and chest. Emford followed the line of sweat down and then realised that the furry tail was swinging from side to side.
That was too much. The sight of that naughty tail, the sounds of flesh hitting against flesh, the hands that gripped his hips and then suddenly more hands taking his face and directing it back to the dick he held in his hand. Emford understood command and he was good at obeying. He continued with his duty, doing his best to service the man in his mouth while trying so hard to stay focused when the man behind abused his body so delightfully.
The hard thrusting hit a sweet spot repeatedly and he found himself moving back, wanting to be penetrated deeper. The pressure everywhere built, the sounds rising to a crescendo and Emford felt his body writhe and twist with pleasure just as Antonio groaned and he felt his host’s release inside him. A moment later, the protestant cried out and Emford for the second time felt a rush in his mouth and down his throat.
Afterwards he collapsed on the kitchen floor, his chest heaving and his body just a pliant puddle on the ground. Antonio was sitting behind him with his knees bent and the protestant in front slightly more prostrate on the ground.
Antonio chuckled and mumbled, “Great, now I have to clean up Santorum from my kitchen floor.”
Emford didn’t know what it means; only that Santorum was a senator. He didn’t really care either.  He only cared about one thing. “When is it my turn?” Emford hushed out between breaths.
“Your turn for what?” asked Antonio equally breathlessly.
“To do what you did.”
Antonio laughed, and Emford felt the vibrations of his laughter through his hip. “Oh honey we can arrange that. C’mon,” he stood unsteadily and playfully slapped Emford’s hip.
Getting up was hard but he found that when he drank the cool glass Antonio handed to him he felt much better. He followed his decadent host to the living room where several figures lay prostrate on the floor and couch in various stages of exhaustion. On a chair sat a man, breathing heavily but eyeing the two men now standing in front of him.  
“Muslim” whispered Antonio to his ear.
The man was dark skinned with thick lashes around his dark eyes. He had a dark scraggly beard that wasn’t long enough to be unruly but still more then could be found attractive at least by Emford. Antonio apparently had no problems; he went right up to the man, offered the glass and then struck up a short quiet conversation.
The conversation was very short as it wasn’t long before the darker skinned man was almost aggressively pushing his host back into the chair, devouring his mouth as if that was his salvation. Emford felt the now familiar flare of jealousy but this time something more. Watching the ardent way the two figures tried to seemingly melt into the wall was inspiring.
He looked down at his own flesh, surprised that it was swelling slightly even so soon after the last explosive release. He was so busy looking down he didn’t notice the short man timidly approach from behind until hands were rubbing over his hand and then his chest.
“Who are you?” asked Emford quietly.
“Joshua,” replied the man with a small smile. “Jehovah’s witness.”
Joshua apparently couldn’t get enough of touching Emford’s back and chest. Emford was so busy watching the tentative hands going over him he didn’t notice Antonio until his name was called. He looked up to find Antonio against the wall with the Muslim man now paying homage to Antonio’s cock.
Emford gave the Jehovah’s Witness an apologetic smile then went over to his now favourite host. He knew what was expected of him and it only took a little manoeuvring to take his now extremely hard self and do to the olive skinned man, what Antonio had done to him only minutes ago.
He was nervous, not sure and it took eager sounds from both his current lover and his former one to keep going. Then he got into his groove, found his rhythm. It was almost too tight, too hot and Emford wasn’t sure he could keep it up but he wanted to try. It helped when the timid man behind him came back and continued rubbing his hands over Emford’s body.
He looked up and saw Antonio’s face, mouth slightly open and those dark secretive eyes were now alight with carnal knowledge with all trace of innocence gone. The choir boy face was now bright with impish glee, lower lip clasped naughtily. As he watched, Antonio raised a hand, inviting it to be slapped. Tentatively he did and was rewarded with, “Eifel Tower!” it was then he understood. Their bodies were shaped like the monument.
Suddenly they were all just one figure, a mass of bodies, slick and hot, moving in soft gyrating motions and crying soft hushed moans and gasps. Emford was barely away of it but the movements gained momentum. The voices slowly grew louder and Emford couldn’t tell who was crying out the most. the hands rubbed more fervently, the hips more forcefully. Muscles tensed and relaxed and their cries raised up until Emford felt the most powerful burst of pure pleasure he had ever felt in his life.
He wasn’t in his body anymore, just a formless mass that fused into everything he touched. Maybe he had died and that was alright with him.
When he came too, he found he was on a hard floor, now sticky with oil and sweat and his limbs tangled with the limbs of three other figures. He crawled just enough to detangle himself and leaned against the wall beside Antonio who lay with his eyes closed, his face no long innocent, just entirely sated.
“So,” breathed his host. “How was that?”
Emford contemplated his predicament. “I came here to save your soul. You tricked me. Tied me to your bed. Ripped my most sacred beliefs from me. Basted me in olive oil, defiled every part of me and now you ask me how it was?” Antonio nodded.
Emford started laughing. “I think I might have lost Jesus.”
“It’s ok; we can keep helping you try to find him.”

“Ok.” Emford smiled, “whenever you want.”