Friday 2 October 2015

It was still following me...

I stole a hurried glance behind me. It was still following me. I held my breath, sweat dripping from my forehead. It had been following me for an hour already and I still didn’t know why. My heart was thundering in my chest as I shuffled along the pavement. I wanted to run but what if it was faster than me?

Suddenly, on my left, I saw a narrow, dark alleyway. I decided to turn into it, rushing as fast as I could along the dank pathway until I saw a large pile of festering rubbish. I ducked behind it, peeking out as I desperately tried to slow down my breathing partially because it was loud and partially because the smell of rotting refuse was overpowering.

I could see the rectangle of light that was the end of the path. Vague shadows of people glided past. Maybe one of them had been it? Maybe it hadn’t seen me come into the alleyway. I could feel myself relax. I could breathe a little better. No. wait, there was a shadow, darker and more menacing. It was peering into the shadow then peering away. Please go away! I held my breath as it took a step away. Then it paused. NO! It was coming down the alleyway. It moved slowly and yet it seemed to bear down at me. The shadowed figure shuffled silently towards me.

Its footsteps were nearly silent but I could hear it sniffing the air. For the first time I was glad my hiding place stank so badly. Carefully I peeked over again. It was facing away from me but I saw its huge body, mostly in shadow but just enough to see the spikes on top, and the long claws glistening red. It turned and I quickly ducked down. Praying desperately that it hadn’t seen me. It sniffed again, louder this time. I felt the air grow heavy as it loomed into closer.

Suddenly, the air cleared. The sense of its heavy presence was gone. Cautiously I peeked out. There was nothing there.

The relief I felt was the most blissful feeling I’d ever felt. I couldn’t help but check myself over. I was alive! I had never felt as alive as I did at this moment. I stepped out carefully, avoiding the puddles of rancid garbage juice lying on the ground.

At the end of the alley just before the street, I peered out. Nothing. Just empty streets with the occasional car in the distance.

Sighing the biggest sigh of relief I strode out. A part of me was still cautious but the closer I got to home, the more I relaxed. I had escape. I was safe! I had survived!

There, I could see my door! Finally I would be safe! I fiddled in my pockets for my keys and as I walked up to my door, I looked down to find the right key.

“Yoohoo!” cried a shrill voice. I froze, the keys fall from my icy fingers. My heart stopped in my chest and I felt the blood drain from my face. “I’ve been looking for you everywhere!” I turned around slowly. There is was. After all my efforts, there it stood before me. The frizzy curls styled into spikes, the nails painted bright red. Out of the shadows I could see her wire frame glasses making her eyes seem like huge orbs staring into my soul. Her pink paisley dress taut around her round pudgy body and that froglike mouth stretched into and overenthusiastic smile. Mrs Figgles, chairwoman of the local culture club.

“I was sure I saw you on the street, dearie, but you just disappeared! I did so want to speak to you my dear, so here I am! Finally I caught you!” the high pitched giggle threatened to rip open my eardrums and I barely hid my wince. “Now, I need to ask you for your help at our fundraiser, you do know this year we are going to sell our copies of Kittens in Kimonos calendar and we’ve got our bake sale with gluten free cakes and for the first time, we are going to do a clown competition and you were so helpful last year, we would really like to have you volunteer for us again! You would look so lovely in clown makeup!”

Visions of last year came flooding back. The nightmare of being surrounded by old ladies chattering away about crochet. The horror of being force fed ancient fruitcake. The complete humiliation of being dressed as a giant chicken and trying to sell last year’s calendars ‘Cat Fashion – Knitted edition’.

“ I … Uh…” I stammered awkwardly. I had to say no. I had to, otherwise I was trapped.
“Of course dearie we know how busy you are which is why we would be so grateful! Mrs Poddington has already made her famous fruitcake, gluten free of course, and Mrs Snodgrass has agreed to knit you a clown outfit!”

“Um, I… er.. I am … well I…” my tongue betrayed me. The words would not come out.
“Excellent dearie! I’ll out you down as entry number 5, now I’m off but we’ll see you at the fundraiser! Tada!” and with that, like an evil typhoon of paisley horror, she was gone.

I stood frozen to the stop. I knew now, I had never had a chance. My fate was sealed.