Sunday 24 February 2013

4. A party of many

Jojo was a bit of a bitch. Everyone had to agree on it. Oh she wasn't utterly hateful, but it would have been better if she were, then at least she would have been worthy of respect. No, Jojo was only mildly worthy of disdain. Angela did not usually dislike people quite so easily but the party invites had instructed people to come with at least one bottle of wine. Jojo brought none. She had also come dressed like a hobo. No, Angela would smile and be polite, but she hoped Jojo would leave soon.

Jack was enjoying this party. He enjoyed it so much more now that Ms May was here. Perhaps she would dance with him tonight. Jack had had a crush on her since he met her. She was so refined, with a lovely smile that made his knees weak. He loved her long wavy hair, her beautiful kind eyes and her hands. He loved the jokes she told, the way she made people laugh. Jack watched Ms May go around the room. Maybe he would pluck up the courage to talk to her tonight, though he would have to do it quickly. Mik was sure to make his move on her, that hound dog made a move on anything that moved. Jack took another swig. Soon.

The music was dull. The food mediocre. Ga In was bored. There were so many strangers. She knew Angela and Jack and a few others, but Angela was a social butterfly. Always so many friends. Why had she come? Because of Soo Jin who was at this moment sampling the table of food. Ga In didn't like parties like this. "Lets go," she whispered to Soo Jin when she came with a paper cup of cheap wine.
"we can't leave yet. It would be rude. Angela would be gutted if we left before they cut the cake," hissed Soo Jin quietly. Then she handed Ga In her paper cup. "dont worry, it should be soon. Angela loves cake." Soo Jin rolled her eyes and made a face. Ga In laughed. Soo Jin was normally quiet but sometimes she would do something funny and outrageous. Ga In liked her, but she was also wary. Soo Jin could be moody and short tempered. That's why she came, Soo Jin was scared to come alone, so she made Ga In come with her. Ga In had to come, to support Soo Jin.

The cake was the highlight of the evening, or at least it was supposed to be. Then the presents starting coming out of bags. Nicky panicked. She sort of assumed presents were not required. Nicky hardly knew Angela, she was rather broke at the moment, working part time wasn't paying well AND they were not 14 anymore. Surely Presents weren't required. Unfortunately, Nicky was worried and she told Phina who was sitting next to her.
"Don't worry. I got your back. I'll say we got our present together."
"you sure? i'll pay you for half of it," whispered Nicky.
"Nah, dont worry about it, quick sign the card." Phina handed over a brightly coloured card and a pen as Angela was busy opening another present, gushing loudly over how much she loved it. Phina waited till last and then said "this is from Me and Nicky." Nicky was very grateful. She was new in town and so unsure but Phina was so helpful. Phina was outgoing and generous.Nicky wished she could be more like her.

Jarrod laughed as he walked. He liked Angela, superficial and vain as she was but her parties could be boring. At least now they were finally heading out to the pubs. He might even pick up someone. He had had his eye on Jack all night. Such a cute boy. Pity he was straight. So was Mik the other hot man. No matter, he might pick up tonight. He saw Eliza walking ahead and cought up with her. "eliza," he purred into her ear. "been looking everywhere for you."
"eliza smiled icily, "you know i dont like that name." Jarrod winked at her. "you gonna pick up tonight?" she asked.
"of course honey, what else do I have to do. You should to," he said, "that Mik's had his eye on you all night."
"that player? please..." Eliza was feigning disinterest. Jarrod saw right through it. That was the problem with Eliza. she couldn't hide anything. She wore her heart on her sleeve and couldn't lie. That's probably why he hung out with her so much. He could trust her not to keep anything from him. Mik didn't deserve her, but she could also use a good shagging and he told her. Eliza answered with her most evil look. It was excessively cute.

Mik watched his prey. She danced under the pretty light. He'd been waiting to make his move just until the right moment. It was now. Just enough alcohol had been drunk so she would be fairly pliable but not too much to make the night a failure. Mik sidled into the dance floor and began to dance up to her. If he could get her tonight, it would be a good night. He knew why Angela had invited him, but pity, Angela was not his type. far too thin and bitchy. He liked his girls more soft and sweet. Just like what he had in his arms right now. He smiled as she melted against him. Yep, This one was in the bag. What was her name again? Beth or something similar.

Morning light streamed through the curtains waking up the girl in the bed. She got up slowly with a grimace. the figure beside her grunted and just shifted his face away. The Girl went into the toilet and washed her face and rinsed out her mouth. She looked at the mirror, saw a pale face with dark shadows under the eyes stare back. Who was this girl that was yet again in some guy's bed. Some guy she barely knew. Who was this girl who's face looked haunted. Oh god, she'd have to go home in the same clothes. Again. Walk of shame. Again. She looked down at her naked body. Not as thin as she'd like. Nowhere near as pretty. Made so much uglier by the thin scars on belly and legs. Scars in places that would not be noticable. Few boys noticed until the next morning which was why she made it a habit to wake before they did. Before they could see in the light of day. This way, they wouldn't know that they had just fucked a mental chick.

She looked back in the mirror. Who was this girl? She was a slut. A mentally unstable slut with huge issues. She was a slut who pretended to enjoy parties, who drank not because it was fun but because it helped her forget. She was a girl who dressed in baggy clothes to hide herself and told jokes to distract everyone. Her Father called her Josephina Elizabeth May. Her mother called her Soo Jin May. She called herself messed up May. Her friends all called her different names, Mik had called her babydoll last night.Yeuch.

Who was she? She wasn't sure. She doubted if anyone knew.

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