Monday 25 February 2013

5. Inside the Tank

Day 67. MY captivity continues. I remember well my abduction, the sudden wrenching from my home into some strange cell with walls made of some unknown material. I was with another, a strange to me at the time, though we have now become quite well acquainted. It hardly seemed possible that such horrors could be happening to us. I can only imagine that my abductors have other plans then to eat me as I am still alive.

Day 71. More captors have joined me and my fellow abductee. They are different species from us, but still welcome for the company they bring. However I fear for their lives. They are so small and fragile. My brother and I have conferred and we agree that we must treat these newcomers with sensitivity.

Day 75. Our days are endless drudging bores. We swim in endless circles and become alive only when our captors dump flaky dry and tasteless food at us. Oh how I dream of happier days.

Day79. Our smaller brethren seem to be faring well, too well perhaps. We thought them weak, but they wreak havoc on our days. So much energy that cannot be contained in such a small space. I almost wish for the days when we lived alone.

Day 84. It seemed that one of our smaller brethren was pregnant. Our small cell is now infused with tiny fry, darting this way and that. I had a moment of panic fearing that overcrowding may be an issue. I am not proud of it, but out of fear, I may have eaten several of the fry. In my defense, space is limited and I must think of the future!

Day 94. I wish there was some way to communicate with our captors. My brother is quiet. I wonder if he misses home as I do.

Day 95. My brother grows sicker. I now fear for his health. If only we could find a way to help him. Surely those who keep us, with their advanced technologies could help us. I swam frantically, trying to communicate with sign language, bubbles, interpretive dance. Nothing worked.

Day 99. My Brother has passed. Our Captors took his corpse. We were not afforded a funeral. I seethe with anger and frustrations. I am am alone with these smaller irritating ones.

Day 113. My black mood has lifted. If I am to live in this hellhole then I must make the best of it. I turn to Philosophy as my solace. What is the meaning of life in a Tank? I will figure it out.

Day 143. Have found a new hobby. I will learn to swim upside down! 

Day 157. Have discovered that if I swim in funny wiggles, I am rewarded with extra Food!

Day 199. I love food!

Day 253. Bubbles!

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